Thailand Marine Life | Yellowtail barracuda

Thailand Marine Life | Yellowtail barracuda

The yellowtail barracuda (Sphyraena flavicauda) is one of the smaller species of the barracuda family, Sphyraenidae, and is the smallest barracuda you can spot while scuba diving on Koh Tao, Thailand.

Distinguishing Features

Like all barracudas, the yellowtail barracuda belongs to the genus Sphyraena, known for their pike-like, elongated shape and widely separated dorsal fins. What sets the yellowtail barracuda apart from other species is its smaller size, with a maximum length of around 60 centimeters but usually about 35- 40 centimeters. It has a distinctive yellow tail with black margins and a grey back with a white underside, sometimes showing a yellow tint on the flanks. The first dorsal fin has five spines, with the second dorsal fin positioned slightly ahead of the anal fin. The large head features a big eye, pointed snout, and long jaws with fang-like teeth in the upper jaw and a single large tooth followed by smaller teeth in the lower jaw.

Defensive Behavior

Yellowtail barracudas use schooling as a defense mechanism against predators. By moving together in coordinated groups, they make it harder for predators to single out individual fish. Additionally, they can herd prey towards shore or into tighter spaces, making it easier to catch and eat them. This group behavior boosts their hunting efficiency and survival.

Feeding and Diet

Yellowtail barracudas primarily feed on smaller fish and invertebrates. They use their sharp teeth and speed to catch prey, often hunting in schools to corner and overwhelm their targets. This cooperative hunting strategy allows them to effectively capture a variety of marine life for sustenance.


Yellowtail barracudas are oviparous, laying eggs that are fertilized externally. During spawning, females can release up to 30,000 eggs at once. These eggs are fertilized in the water after being released. The eggs develop into larvae that hatch and swim in open water. As they grow, the larvae eventually settle into their adult habitats and mature into full-grown barracudas.


Yellowtail barracudas face threats from various predators, including larger fish, sharks, and sometimes even other barracudas. Juvenile barracudas are especially vulnerable to predation. Their primary defense is their schooling behavior, which helps them stay safer by making it harder for predators to single out individual fish. Humans are also predators of Yellowtail Barracudas... They are often caught by commercial and sport fishermen because of their size and the thrill of catching them. In some areas, they are targeted for their meat or for sport, making them a common catch in fishing activities.

Where to Find Yellowtail Barracuda on Koh Tao

Yellowtail Barracuda are commonly spotted at many dive sites around Koh Tao.

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