Thailand Marine Life | The Blue Ringed angelfish

Thailand Marine Life | The Blue Ringed angelfish

The Blue Ringed Angelfish (Pomacanthus annularis), also known as the Annularis Angelfish or Blue King Angelfish, is renowned for its vibrant appearance. It features a dazzling blue pattern with upcurving bands set against a golden-brown background. The name "Blue Ringed" comes from the unique blue ring that adorns the side of its gill. This angelfish generally grows to about 30-40 cm.



Blue Ringed Angelfish are typically shy and cautious, maintaining a safe distance from scuba divers. They are very vigilant and prefer not to get too close. They are often seen swimming alone or in pairs, rarely forming large groups. When they feel threatened, they may quickly retreat into the safety of the reef crevices. These angelfish are also known to be territorial, especially during breeding seasons, often defending their chosen area from other fish. Additionally, they tend to have a set routine, frequently following the same paths while foraging for food.


Feeding and Diet

Blue Ringed Angelfish are omnivores, enjoying a varied diet. Primarily feeds on sponges, algae, and small invertebrates.Their protruding mouth is perfectly adapted to pick up food and break off small parts of sponges. They are often seen nibbling on coral reefs, using their specialized teeth to extract their preferred foods. In their natural habitat, they forage for food throughout the day, maintaining a steady intake to support their active lifestyle. They also have a tendency to graze on algae, contributing to the health and balance of the reef ecosystem.



Blue Ringed Angelfish are protogynous hermaphrodites, beginning life as females and later transitioning to males. During the breeding season, males establish territories and attract females with displays. Spawning occurs at dusk when pairs release eggs and sperm into the water. The fertilized eggs drift with the currents, hatch into larvae, and eventually settle into the reef to develop. This reproductive strategy aids in spreading their offspring and boosting their survival chances.



The Blue Ringed Angelfish faces several predators, including larger fish like groupers and snappers, reef sharks, and moray eels. Humans also pose a threat, as they are targeted for the aquarium trade or as food.


Did you know?

  • Blue Ringed Angelfish can live up to 15 years, contributing significantly to reef ecosystems.
  • Juvenile Blue Ringed Angelfish have a different pattern from adults but still display blue rings.
Koh Tao Juvenile Blue Ringed Angelfish
  • They are less commonly seen at cleaning stations compared to the Six Banded Angelfish.
  • When stressed or defensive, Six Banded Angelfish may emit a grunting noise underwater, indicating that you might be too close for their comfort.


Where to Find Blue Ringed Angelfish on Koh Tao

You can spot the Blue Ringed Angelfish while scuba diving at various dive sites around Koh Tao.

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