Thailand Marine Life | The Crocodile Fish

Thailand Marine Life | The Crocodile Fish

The Crocodile Fish (Cymbacephalus beauforti) is primarily identified by its broad, flattened head and a distinctive, flat jaw-like mouth similar to that of a crocodile. Its bottom jaw is slightly larger than the top, creating an underbite. The Crocodile Fish has a mottled sandy coloration -brown, beige - that provides excellent camouflage. It has skin fringes called lappets that help conceal its dark eyes, making it harder to spot. The fish can grow up to 50 centimeters long. Its pectoral fins can spread out to help it stay flat on the sandy seabed. Juvenile Crocodile Fish are black but develop a blotchy pattern as they mature into adults.


Behavior and Diet

Crocodilefish are patient predators that remain motionless and camouflaged on the seabed, waiting for prey to come close. They are typically nocturnal, becoming more active at night to hunt. During the day, they rely on their cryptic appearance to stay hidden from predators and potential prey. When prey approaches, they strike quickly with an upward snapping motion, using their protruding underbite and sharp teeth to capture and hold on to their catch.


Crocodile fish have venomous spines on their dorsal fins. These spines act as a defense mechanism to protect them from predators. A sting from these spines can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. Divers should be cautious and avoid direct contact with these fish to prevent any possible injury. Just remember: don’t touch!



Crocodile fish are oviparous, they lay eggs that are fertilized externally in the water column. After fertilization, the eggs develop into larvae, which then settle on the seabed and undergo metamorphosis into juvenile fish.


Where to Find Crocodile Fish on Koh Tao

The Cocodile fish can be found at the following dive sites around Koh Tao:
Twin Peaks,
White Rock.

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