What Will I See When I Dive Koh Tao?

What Will I See When I Dive Koh Tao?

Prepare for some epic underwater action in Koh Tao! With crystal-clear visibility most of the year, you’ll catch every detail. From shallow reefs to deeper pinnacles, swim-throughs and Wrecks, Koh Tao has it all. And the best part? We dive 12 months a year!

Vibrant Coral Reefs: Koh Tao's waters are home to some of the most colorful and diverse coral reefs in the Gulf of Thailand. The corals you'll encounter around Koh Tao come in two main forms: hard corals and soft corals. Hard corals include species such as boulder coral, brain coral, staghorn coral, table coral, and leaf coral. Soft corals feature varieties like whip coral, fan coral, bubble coral, carnation coral, sun coral, and cup coral. These corals provide vital structures for the thriving marine life in Koh Tao. You'll also find plenty of anemones here. Interestingly, anemones are more closely related to many corals than soft corals are, yet they’re not typically classified as corals.

Tropical Fish: Schools of tropical fish are a common sight. Look out for angelfish, butterflyfish, parrotfish, Bannerfish, Napoleon Wrasse, Unicornfish, Surgeonfish, Filefish, pink anemonefish and a few families of saddleback anemonefish darting through the coral.

Yellowback Fusilier: With their vibrant blue bodies and bright yellow tails, Yellowback Fusiliers are a colorful addition to the underwater scene. You can often find them schooling around coral reefs and rocky outcrops at dive sites around Koh Tao, such as Chumphon Pinnacle and Shark Bay.

Pufferfish: Blotched Porcupine Pufferfish are the most commonly seen pufferfish by divers on Koh Tao. However, you can also find Spotted Pufferfish and Mappa (or Starry) Pufferfish, usually around shallow boulder sites and artificial reefs. Seal-faced Pufferfish are rarer but can occasionally be spotted as well.

Scorpionfish, Stonefish, and Lionfish: These camouflaged creatures are part of the underwater lineup. Scorpionfish and stonefish blend perfectly with their surroundings, making them a bit tricky to spot, while lionfish flaunt their venomous spines.

Yellow Boxfish: The adorable yellow boxfish with its unique black polka-dot pattern is the most common of this species you’ll see on Koh Tao.

Sweetlips: The Harlequin sweetlips are the only species in this group that we frequently see on Koh Tao. Their distinctive spotted pattern stands out, though there’s notable variation in appearance between juveniles and adults.

Batfish: While you might occasionally see batfish alone or in pairs, they are more commonly found in schools at deeper sites like Chumphon Pinnacle, Shark Island, and Sail Rock. These large fish are usually gray and white with striking yellow fins.

Whale Sharks: Koh Tao, famed for Whaleshark sightings, provides surprises all year round but the prime period, often dubbed "Whaleshark season" by the local diving industry, is from March to June. Key offshore dive sites like Chumphon Pinnacle, Southwest Pinnacle, and Sail Rock are known for these awe-inspiring encounters. But that's not all, Whalesharks are also spotted at shallower sites like Shark Island, Twins, and White Rock!


Whale Shark at Koh Tao, Chumphon Pinnacle

Sharks: A great thing about sharks on Koh Tao is that you don’t need to dive to see them. Blacktip reef sharks are often visible while snorkeling in shallow beaches and bays. For the best chances to spot them, check out Aow Leuk Bay, Hin Wong Bay, and Shark Bay!

Sea Turtles: Koh Tao, known as "Turtle Island,"is spot-on for a reason! These graceful creatures are regulars at the dive sites and always make for a spectacular encounter. Keep your eyes peeled and your camera ready for Hawksbill and Green turtles gliding through the clear waters.

Groupers: On Koh Tao, you'll find a fantastic variety of groupers in all shapes, sizes, and colors. From Blacktip Groupers to Blue-lined Groupers, Hexagon Groupers, Brown-marbled grouper, Malabar grouper and Giant Groupers, there's something for everyone!

Barracuda: We see several types of barracuda here on Koh Tao. Schools of yellowtail barracuda hang out at shallower sites. Chevron barracuda, great barracuda, and pickhandle barracuda can be seen in deeper waters.

Crabs: From coral crabs and spider crabs hiding in the reef to giant hermit crabs roaming the sands, we have several varieties of crab on Koh Tao.

Nudibranchs: These fascinating creatures are often tiny and challenging to spot, but they’re easily recognizable due to their external gills and vibrant colors. In the Gulf of Thailand, there are over 20 species of nudibranchs.

Eels: Check under ledges and in reef cracks at most dive sites, and you might spot a white-eyed moray eel. Yellow-edged moray eels are also seen occasionally, and you might even encounter a giant moray eel!

Sea Snakes: Koh Tao is home to the banded sea krait, a common and fascinating sight. These snakes are venomous but usually pretty laid-back. You'll often see them weaving along the reef or coming up for a quick breath.

Shrimps: Keep an eye out in the small cracks and crevices as you dive, and you might spot a variety of shrimp, from tiny glass shrimps and cleaner shrimps to Durban dancing shrimp and banded boxer shrimp.

Stingrays: The blue-spotted ribbontail ray is the most commonly seen ray around Koh Tao. However, you might also spot a Jenkins whip ray from time to time.


Awesome shot of a Blue spotted Stingray

Wrecks and Artificial Reefs: Koh Tao features three impressive wreck dives: HTMS Sattakut, HTMS Suphairin, and HTMS Hanhak Sattru. These sunken ships now host a variety of marine life, making them fascinating dive sites for for those interested in wreck diving.


This is just a taste of the incredible marine life awaiting you in Koh Tao. To experience it all firsthand, you’ll need to dive in yourself. Check out the dive sites around Koh Tao to get a preview of the underwater adventure that’s waiting for you!

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