Thailand Marine Life | Pickhandle Barracuda

Thailand Marine Life | Pickhandle Barracuda

The Pickhandle Barracuda (Sphyraena jello) is a large species that can grow over 1.5 meters long and weigh more than 11 kilograms. During the day, they are often seen in groups while scuba diving in the warm waters of Koh Tao, dispersing at night to feed. Though they might approach out of curiosity, Pickhandle Barracudas are generally harmless to divers.
This species has a silver body with around 20 wavy dark stripes along its sides that resemble the shape of a pickaxe handle. It also has a yellow tail fin, and a noticeable underbite, which is common among barracudas. Their mouth is filled with sharp teeth and the jaw is powerful, and used to literally rip their prey to pieces.

Behaviour, Feeding and Diet

During the day, Pickhandle Barracuda form large groups over the reef to protect themselves from larger predators like sharks, tuna, and dolphins. It's difficult for these predators to target a single fish in a large group. Barracuda are also cannibalistic and will eat smaller barracuda if the chance arises. At night, they disperse and hunt individually, using their ability to slightly change their body color to blend in with their surroundings.
As aggressive predators, they hide in the reef, waiting for prey to come close. When an opportunity presents itself, they use their speed to strike quickly, often taking large bites or even cutting fish in half. They feed on various prey, including snapper, small grouper, squid, and anything else they consider edible. After spawning, they become more active in feeding as releasing eggs or sperm creates more space in their stomachs, allowing them to eat more.


Pickhandle Barracudas reproduce by spawning, where they release their eggs or sperm into the water. Males reach sexual maturity at around three years, while females mature at about four years. Although their mating habits are not well-documented, spawning occurs in the open water, and the eggs float freely until they hatch.

Where to Find Pickhandle Barracudas on Koh Tao

Pickhandle Barracudas are commonly spotted at many dive sites around Koh Tao.
Check out dive sites like:
Sail Rock,
Chumphon Pinnacle,
Southwest Pinnacle,
White Rock,
HTMS Sattakut Wreck.

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